Wedding Photography: How to Capture the Perfect Shot

Wedding photographer capturing the best shot

This article will provide you with the top wedding photography tips so that you can work with your photographer to capture stunning photos that you'll cherish for a lifetime.


Wedding Shot List Alternatives

During the wedding planning process, you'll likely hear the term "shot list" over and over again. This refers to a list of photos you want your photographer to take on your big day. If you're unsure of what to include, we're going to give you a different perspective. A truly helpful shot list doesn't necessarily need specific shots. It can benefit everyone involved in your wedding, including your photographer. Keep reading to find out how!

Tips for Creating the Best Shot List

When you engage a professional wedding photographer, you are entrusting them with the task of capturing your special day in a professional manner. Nevertheless, providing them with certain details will help in telling your wedding story accurately and reflecting your identity as a couple.

Creating Your Family's Shot List

To ensure a successful wedding photo shoot, it is important to provide your photographer with a list of family groupings and their first names. Your photographer will likely have a template and recommendations to ensure everything goes smoothly. They can also offer additional advice as needed.

When organizing wedding photo, it is common to take into account three sets of relatives: yours, your fiancé's, and both families together. The sequence of events and whether or not a pre-wedding photo session is held may impact which groups are photographed first or last. Starting with larger groups, like extended cousins, grandparents and aunts / uncles, and then gradually transitioning to smaller groups can work really well.

To ensure a smooth wedding day photo session and to avoid any awkward situations, we strongly suggest you let your photographer know of any sensitive situations such as family conflicts, recent family deaths or perhaps even estranged or divorced family members. Your photographer will note this in advance and will try their best to avoid uncomfortable questions during the photoshoot.

Offer This Instead of a Traditional Shot List

Your wedding photographer doesn't need a templated checklist for inspiration - let them capture the magic of your wedding day in their own unique way! However, don't forget to give them a heads up on any special details or people you want to spotlight. Get creative with your family groupings and give your photographer all the necessary details in advance.

Let your wedding photographer work their magic and capture the moments that will last forever. You chose this photographer for a reason, so trust them and let them bring out the best in you and your loved ones. After all, your love story is one-of-a-kind, and your photo album should be, too. Trust that they'll capture the most unforgettable snapshots of your big day!



  • Communicate to your photographer who and what elements hold the most significance to you, aside from yourself, your partner, and your wedding party.
  • Have a photography timeline and a wedding run-of-show, usually made by the photographer with input from vendors, to ensure everyone is on the same schedule.
  • Collaborate with your photographer to compile a list of desired family groupings for photographs.
  • Inform your photographer if you will be publishing your wedding. They'll need to know the specifications in advance and will plan accordingly.
  • Plan for any specific moments you want to happen during your wedding day, such as a first look or gift exchange, and they will ensure these moments are captured beautifully.
  • Mention personal details they may not normally notice such as heirloom jewelry or other items. Share these details in advance so that your photographer can plan for them.
  • Highlight all the VIPs beforehand so that your photographer can ensure they are included.


  • Your wedding day is a once-in-a-lifetime experience, so why settle for standard snapshots? Let your photographer unleash their creativity and capture the magic of your day as it unfolds. Forget the traditional shots - let them capture the unexpected moments that make your wedding uniquely yours.
  • Let your photographer's creativity soar! Resist the urge to show them exact poses from your Pinterest board or Instagram feed. Instead, use those images as inspiration to fuel their artistic vision and bring your photoshoot to life!
  • Your wedding photos are one-of-a-kind, just like your love. With elements like lighting, location, and weather, your photos will capture the essence of your special day like no other. Celebrate your uniqueness!

Hopefully we've shared the secrets to having the best wedding photos that you'll cherish forever. Use some or all of the tips when collaborating with your photographer so that you'll have memories for a lifetime.

Be sure to check out the Top Five Questions You Should Ask Before Hiring a Wedding Photographer to round out your research!


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