How to Be Free of Stress on Your Wedding Day

stress free on your wedding day

Any important event or life milestone will bring with it a certain level of natural stress. That means you will feel some slight stress even if everything is perfect. Your wedding day is certainly one of those times. You have put so much effort into planning the details, big and small for so long, so it's normal to feel a little nervous. The key is to be fully prepared so you have as little stress as possible. Here are some tips to make sure you are stress free on your wedding day.


Have a Wedding Checklist

From the moment that sparkling ring is on your finger, you can start a wedding checklist of everything you need to do. This is vital if you decide not to hire a wedding planner. Divide your checklist into sections, including preparation, ceremony, cocktail hour, reception and honeymoon to avoid missing anything. Share the list with your family and bridal party so they can spot any details you might have missed.

Set a Budget

Set your budget and keep some money aside for unexpected wedding costs. Many newlyweds will confirm the wedding budget was blown out a little, or perhaps a lot. If you have some money set aside for unexpected costs, it won't be so painful on your pocket later. If it's not needed, that money can be put right into the honeymoon budget for more cocktails or spa treatments.

Don't Rush Planning

Take your time planning. You don't need to do it all at once. It can be a great idea to plan in stages with breaks between each stage. Once the ceremony is cleared, take a month off wedding planning if possible. When you get back to the task and onto the reception planning, you will be fresh and inspired to make more wedding plans. The whole process of wedding planning should be enjoyable and fun. Make sure you involve the groom, as the creative planning process can also be a great bonding experience for you both.



As the wedding gets nearer, you can delegate some duties to your bridal party (that is part of their job) and to family (who always love to help). Honor your friends and family by acknowledging their interests and skills. If someone is into music, ask them to help design the party playlist. If someone else is a great baker, ask their advice on the wedding cake. It's a time to celebrate the love - of you and your husband-to-be- and also of everyone around you.

Learn to Let Go

Finally, as the hangover from the bachelorette party fades and the big day is near, it is time to let go. You are prepared and it's time to enjoy the excitement of getting married. Wedding days are full of unexpected ups and downs, most of which are impossible to predict. As you've incorporate one or more tips above, you'll likely be stress free on your wedding day so there's no need to stress about what might happen. You will be a gorgeous bride as you walk down the aisle and marry Mr. Right. Before you know it, you will be on your dreamy honeymoon having a beautiful time.

Be sure to check out our comprehensive guide - Planning Your Dream Wedding: A Stress-Free Guide to Navigating the Process With Ease.

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